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stay long. Miss Gupper is very much
interested in this case. She likes
Reeves[?] fine and tries to [speak and?]
be extra nice to him.
We won the game with Hampton
Sidney and had another
celebration. The bon fire got
so hot that the cop came up and
ordered the boy[s?] not to put any
more wood on. Hudson, the
basket ball forward threw a box
on and the cop arrested him.
The boys tried to keep him from
carrying him off but he [w...ed?]
so they decided to go to jail in a
bugy[?]. They went off down the
street, and we came in. They
finally prevented the cop from
putting H. in jail and brought
him back. Reeves[?] came over
and told us they had gotten 
him out O.K.. Later they brought
Hudson on their shoulders