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CoH changes thru digestion to

Glucose & Dextrose

Enters blood as Sugar 1/10 of 1%

split into CO& H2O, & xcess

stored up as fat.

Proteins split up into Amino-

acids; Creatin, Creatinin, and

eliminated as Urea, Uric Ac.

& Nitrogen

Urine: Centrifuge 5 min. @ 2000

x am. Uncovered 9symbol with) low power

    " cover glass (symbol with) high    " " "

Epithel & Pus cells (WB.C.)

R.B.C. Casts, Miscel.

No way to tell which part of Ur-

nary tract Epithel cells come

from, as are alike from all

parts but smaller cells are

from deeper layers.

All casts are from Kid. Tubular

1. Hyaline, Granular, Waxy


2. R.B. Cast - Pus csts, Epithel.


Epithel casts mean [destruc?]

of lining of Tuber


Diacetic Acid

Urine plus 10% Ferric Chlox.

gives Cherry red which

disappeared on heating.


Acidify Urine (symbol with) Acetic Ac.

add few crystals Sodii

Nitro-prusside, heat to sol.