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so assureth will the great all wise

and Merciful Creator thrust it from 

thence. God forbid I should have any

other Idol than the great Jehovah. 

I was not at all surprised when I was 

informed of his death, for I have 

been expecting it ever since the first

rose of summer; having some idea

of his delicate constitution and this 

too being of all others the most trying 

of a child's constitution his second

summer. But the righteous Lord

loveth whom he chasteneth; And 

we know that were it not for his 

mercy in chastising us and 

us to remember there is a God 

We would indulge our own defenses ,

desires and appetites until we were 

finally lost in our own destruction.

God moves in a mysterious way his 

wonders to perform. Lord make us

all more watchful and prayerful.

Sanctify this affliction to the good