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Williamsburg Oct. 16th 1849

The Summer is past and we are all through

a merciful Providence are brought to view 

the sweet but dreary fall, the trees are all being 

deprived of their much loved companions. 

They are well nigh childless, but they do not

mourn as those without hope, no! their 

cheerless limbs, like the afflicted Christian

have the consolation of knowing that they

shall be restored to them again. Merciful Lord

grant that we all may so live and walk in 

thy paths, that when our Fall shall have 

come that we may not repine at our lot.

But let thy will not ours be done. 

I have been visiting much today, some

of my friends having recently returned

from their Summer travel, Being granted

the privilege of once more seeing them

I quickly availed myself of that pleasure. 

The town is comparatively busy, every

thing occurs  to    [spilled ink]             spirit

of Industry. I sincerely wish the old 

College could [produce or procure?]  sufficent