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to a better world! Lord let me always feel heavenly,

and no longer serve the men of the world. I do not 

care to think any more of this darksome ruler.

Lord I believe help thou mine unbelief save me 

or I perish. January 14 Monday night 1850

Time flies so swiftly I can scarcely convince myself

that fourteen precious days of the New Year, have

passed the next thought which crowd upon  my 

startled senses. How have I improved those days. extended 

to me, by My Merciful Long suffering and forbearing 

Creator. The very thought, fills me with dread Alas! 

Alas! I fear, I know I have misspent them. 

they have forever fled and I am a disobedient 

sinful Hell deserving Sinner. Lord have mercy

upon me. With how many sins did I crown the 

opening year not one of them is forgotten 

before God How many have been remembered by me. 

I can do nothing of myself. but the Good Lord that

me doeth all things well. With him nothing is im

possible and all things are pssible to him that

believeth Lord I believe help thou mine unbelief

I feel and know I have wasted my precious 

time. But with the Lord's help, I hope to spend