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rapid pulse, through divine assistance I was

permitted to rise and arrange my toilet

without any inconvenience attended Break

fast enjoyed a frugal repast which very

much refreshed my wearied and almost

exhausted nature. Thank God for his mer

cies to me through the past day. My beloved 

husband still continues to improve I feel 

confident of a speedy recovery with prudence. 

but it seems as if death is lurking in 

every corner now but more especially con

fines it ravages to the colored portion 

I never knew of such fatality so am

unaccountable a disease as is now prevai

ling amongst them it resembles pleurisy

but the remedies usually efficacious in

that disease will prove of no relief indeed 

some cannot be applied not one of the patients

can bear bleeding. There was one taken on Yester

day died last night what awful and sudden

warning. Lord help us to receive them

and sanctify these all to the good of one 

soul prepare us all a strict account to give