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     SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1864.
I came ouit to [?]
with [Lorinann] [Hugg] this
forenoon. Luther & [Elisa]
came along about 4 [O...]
I came [up] home with
them, after they had [?]
around the house they [found]
    [that] [the...] had been a [?]
     SUNDAY 6
It has been
rainy nearly all day. [?]
did not [any] of [?] [?]
to [meetting]. [but] [they]
at [?] and [read]
I of course went to sleep
[Elisa] & Luther are [well]
    MONDAY 7
[Elisa] washed she
did not get through
[?] night. I took
care of Bobbie and
help all I could
[?] [?]