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Jan 5 - 1919

Paris & Versailles

Beautiful day - reported at 12 rue

[d'Agnesseau?] at 1115.late missing

train on account misdirections.

Received appointments at 245 to

meet Mrs.Mead (personal). Mrs. Oliver

Miss Mellor.also doctor. latter's report

A. No.I. home for dinner - lunch

at Holtel Petrograd Y. W. C. A. headquarters

very fine place & dinner.

Jan. 6 - 1919

Rose 6 am cold dark raining - reported

at Weslyan Church for conference -

Good lectures. Carter Davis.

Lunch - sightseeing - River Seine

is rising - very alarming. Visited

Notre dame. funerals being held.

Many in uniform. returned to Versailles