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Jan 14 Feb


Movies & chocolate. Capt. White came &

wanted all boys out of canteen by 930 as

President Wilson's body guard were to sleep

in our hut. made chocolate for them

tired & in bed by 1130.

Jan 15. Feb.

Misty cloudy day. bells ringing. high

sounding. President arriving. French. our

sailors & soldiers all in review. Could see them

gathering from porch or balcony. many new

8 cylinder Cadilacs in parade. good appearance.

At 1030 President Wilson. Mrs. & Miss W. Gen. Per

appeared escorted to launch. Pres W. stood

alone in top deck & saluted everyone.

Great demonstration. flags waving. boats

saluting. glad I am an American. Sailed

at noon on George Washington escorted by

New Mexico. Inspiring day.