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Wednesday, March 20, 1918

Bought Mary a little white four

wheeled go-cart today. It rolls

much easier than the big buggy.

tho I sort of hated to part with

the big buggy. Mother walked

with us. Went down to see Uncle John

& Aunt Marnie. Tonight the James &

Howard Reads, Nelsons, Mr. Brown, 

Emma & "we ins" had a surprise party

on Dr. & Miss Perry. We had a lovely time,

played all kiknds of kid games. 

Thursday, March 21, 1918

Made chicken salad & graham bread

sandwiches this a. m. for our bridge

club tonight. Fixed the tables, cards

etc. Then tok a nap. We all

ate supper at the Presbyterain church.

Had four tables of bridge this eve.

They all seemed to have a good

time. Stayed until nearly twelve.

Mary didn't go to sleep until two. 

I sat up & rocked her.