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(Photo on the bus during Choir Tour) A TELEVISION appearance on videotape, a lengthy off-camera interview with handsome and worldly TV idol Dick Clark, a series of special spot recordings for N.B.C. radio's "Monitor," and the bright lights of three major eastern cities provided the accent for Dr. Carl Fehr and his golden-throated 40 on their annual spring choir trip April 22-26. The Trip started out quietly enough with a bus almost spraddle-wheeled with its load of students, gowns, gear and plat- forms for the concerts they were to give. It was a popular trip, for who wouldn't like to take in Philadelphia, New York, and Boston all in one round? There was the added incentive -- a scheduled tele- vision guest appearance over WFIL-TV in Philadelphia, and the opportunity to re- cord a special spot number for "Monitor" in New York. Dick Clark turned out to be the silver penny in the birthday cake, and the "Moni- tor" arrangement kept everyone guessing because of a union hassle at N.B.C. This bubble didn't burst, however, but grew in splendor. A network executive spotted the sizeable group standing around waiting and asked them to sing for him. They did, he liked, and offered them more spots than originally specified. And they could record the selections at their convenience back in CHOIR TRIP Phi Beta Kappa Memorial Hall in Wil- liamsburg and mail them to New York for broadcast. Dr. Fehr herded his flock into WFIL's mail studio early on April 23, where they were to be the special guests on a viewo- tape recording of "The Chief Halftown Show." The program was taped on Thurs- day for use on Sunday. Chief Halftown turned out to be a genuine full-blooded Seneca Indian (See cover) with a very expressive face, a charmingly relaxed man- ner with people, and a stack of interesting tales to tell. When time came to sing to the cameras, they gave their best, then sat back and en- joyed a playback of the whole show for their benefit. Chief Halftown made many friends that day. Just as the playback was concluding, who should wander into the studio but Dick Clark. His regular after- noon show, "American Bandstand" origi- nates at WFIL-TV, and Dick was in early getting ready. (Photo of Papy) A puzzling moment for "Pappy" Fehr comes just as the Choir gets ready on stage. (Photo of Choir singing) Hark, the voices sing out and project the spirit of the College of William and Mary.