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rhinestone bracelets.)  The Hogans and friends came

in a body and then Audrey and Jack Mindemann.

A fine surprise was when Ed Damn  phoned,

saying he was just home for a day and was

coming out.  Jimmy Mooney came with him –

they’re both such screwballs.

            I hated for the day to end, for

somehow it seemed so final flingish.  I wonder

what next Christmas will be like!

                        Dec. 26, 1942

            Mother and I went to Topey’s for lunch

and then into [Cary’s?] to see her and her Mom.

I stopped at Brennan’s for awhile.  I was just

with Pat, but heard how Bill had told [Lil?]

[Cedarblad?] off about my being at Lehigh.  Good!

                        Dec. 27, 1942

            Mother, Daddy and I stayed home and

had a good dinner, with a more – or – less peaceful

day.  The only excitement came when Bill

came up telling news of a big mess about New

Year’s Eve.  We’d had a vaguely tentative date,

having spent New Year’s Eve together for the

past three years.  Floyd asked me for a date!