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     We took our own interlude out from this

week of studying and managed to have a

real pleasant day.  This afternoon the KDs

played intramural softball and we

went out to the field to cheer ‘em on.

Then Louise, Dottie, Elaine and I

started to prepare supper in the

house – it was a gala affair with

tablecloth and all, and featured cold

cuts, lettuce, tomatoes and everything

for real Dagwood sandwiches –

potato chips – cokes & ice cream.

It was festive, fun and a far cry

from the dull monotony of the cafeteria.

     After cleaning up, we played a bit

of the usual bridge and then went

to see the College Production of Noel

Coward’s “Private Lives”.  Dris had a

leading role and did a beautiful

job with it.