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MAY 14

     Another grand day! – This afternoon

the Business and Econ. majors went out

to Dr. Marsh’s for Tea and an informal

gathering.  We had a really pleasant

time – I love those peopled so good!

     The last KD meeting tonight and

the seniors took over in mock hysteri-

cal style.   We marched in solemnly

in caps and gowns, singing the Alma

Mater.  Then I stood and took off my

gown revealing 24-$1 bills pinned all over

my dress while I read an Ersatz

Treasurer’s Report.  Then followed other

strips: - Elaine dressed in Flat Hats: -

Beth wrapped in a giant bath towel: -

Louise sporting huge wings, and so

on – passing the loving cup

full of beer – munching on potato

chips and generally breaking up

meeting.  Such fun.

     Smooth stationary from Aunt Bert –

my first graduation present!