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DECEMBER 31, 1945

     As always, it’s extremely difficult

to believe that another year has been

filed away as past history.  And what

a year it has been too: - the end of

both wars and the atomic bomb

alone are tremendous events, leaving

aside the other things in World and

National history ---- with many transitions

in my own life too.

     This was a holiday from work and

so Mother and I drove Dad to work

and went to see “Strange Affair of Uncle

Harry” and “Shady Lady” – then a Chinese

lunch and home.

   This eve, Glory, Irene, and Edith came

over for an informal pajama party

introduction to The New Year.  We sat

around with eggnogs and cuba libres

and pulled Valentine snappers at mid-

night.  The novel approach, but pleasant fun!

     And so it ends!